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On New Year's Eve, my husband and I have a simple tradition like most families around the world do. We gather with our boys to reflect on the year that has passed and inspire each other to grow as individuals and as a family.

Just a few days ago, I recalled a heartwarming moment with my youngest son, Andrew. A year ago, on 31st December 2022, I asked my boys before they went to bed if they had any last words for the year 2022. My youngest said, "Goodbye 2022. Hello 2023!"

As I was reflecting on this year, my son’s innocent words struck me. When we bid farewell to a year, do we do it as a mere cliché, or do we genuinely strive to part ways with it? I couldn't help but think about the things that are difficult for me to say goodbye to.

Saying goodbye can be both a positive and a negative experience depending on the situation. Just recently, I had a dear friend visit me. She lives far, so, when it was time for her to leave, our farewell was filled with heartfelt reluctance.

However, the goodbyes that involve parting ways with harmful habits from our lives are necessary for growth and personal well-being.

It's not always easy for me to let go of unhealthy habits like procrastination and control. Even though I know I must bid farewell to them to be more effective in the coming year, I tend to let them linger and follow me into the new year, hindering my progress.

So as 2024 begins, let us remember the significance of bidding farewell. Let us make room for positive change and be brave enough to say goodbye to what no longer serves us.


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